Down The Hatch! Danielle and Dan Chug Unthinkable Liquids In “Me vs. U”

Don't be dirty, it's all household items.

In the latest episode of Ultimate Poker's friendly battle of the sexes, “Me vs. U” poker pros Dan O’ Brien and Danielle Andersen are put to a real test of wills. They will be playing beer pong, without the pleasure of drinking beer. Instead, producers have replaced the plastic cups with some of the most vile household ingredients that you might find in your grandmothers cabinets: vinegar, tuna juice, warm mayo and the like.

The pair draft the cups, line them up and watch each other chug gag worthy items in hopes to not have to use the provided puke bucket. The truth is, in this video, it’s hard to call either of these players a winner, but in the end someone is the loser and what they must endure will shock them. Not shock you, you’ll think it’s funny.

More “Me vs. U”: Unleash The Hounds! Danielle and Dan Battle Attack Dogs In “Me vs. U”

21+ in OH. Please play responsibly. For help, call the Ohio Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-589-9966 or 1-800-GAMBLER.
published 9 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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